Dergah al-Farah |
245 West Broadway, New York, NY 10013
SUFI JERRAHIDergah al-Farah is a Sufi lodge (tekke, khanqah, zawiyya) in Tribeca (Lower Manhattan of New York City). It is a gathering place of initiates (dervishes) of the Nur Ashki Jerrahi Community (Sufi Order) led by Shaykha Fariha al-Jerrahi. The ceremony of remembrance is held at the dergah on Thursday evenings at 8pm. We joyfully welcome seekers and students of all religious paths into our gatherings. During the week the lodge is a private gathering place for dervishes of the order and we are NOT open for the five daily prayers. The dergah also houses the offices for Pir Press and the MOHL Archive Foundation. We do however have ongoing events that are open to the public (religious celebrations or events program). Please refer to our calendar for the latest information, follow us on twitter or signup for our dergah events program to stay tuned. We are located in Tribeca, Manhattan, near the Holland Tunnel. Take the A,C,E subway train to Canal Street, or the 1 subway train to Franklin Street. Added on May 27, 2005 and last updated 4 years ago |

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NR I went this masjid yesterday for asr but door was locked. I think they are open just for jum'a. Posted on January 8, 2012 |
NR I went there today and the place is closed and locked. There is a doorbell and it's under some lady name. I called the number and it's not in service. Posted on May 30, 2011 |
Address was off - we fixed it. |
★★★★☆ I went to this masjid for Jummah before. It is a decent sized masjid in th heart of lower Manhattan. For Jummah it serves as a commuter masjid as there people who attend come from all over. I was really impressed to the ethnic diversity at this masjid. Posted on February 26, 2011 |

★★★★★ Peace upon you all
My name is Dr. Ahmed Hosney, PhD. American Citizen and I am a believer who believes in God ,all his prophets and all his massages including with no limits to Torah, Bible and Qur’an on the same level of respect and love and I do have a book called ‘Religions and Civil wars, the outlook of world Peace in Iraq’’. I will send a copy of my book to you so you can read it.
My view
It is very important to take into consideration that Bible, Torah and Qur’an are God’s Holly books. God have sent them to enlighten and insight human been.
As a Minister, Imam or Rabbi, They should have a full respect to God and his books and teach people those aspects and not to use it as negotiations tools. Because this is a challenge to Almighty God and we are in a time we need God’s mercy and blessings on all of us
And we should allow Muslims to have there mosques anywhere they want as will as Jewish or Christians. Otherwise if we deny a mosque for Muslims because of a extremist mistakes, we will deny Muslims to build a school in neighborhood or live in our neighborhood or any where close to us and if we did that to fellow Americans, we will deny tomorrow the right to build a Synagogue for Jewish people and Temple for Hindus
People or school for Africans
Let us put these dilemmas behind us and live peacefully and focus to educate our new generations to live in peace and harmony with respect and love Posted on September 11, 2010 |

★★★★☆ Beautiful mosque in a small building. It is easy to miss in the strip of small shops where it is nestled. Men and women prayer in the same small prayer space, men in the front, women in the back. There are a number of converts who attend. The vibe at this mosque is a welcoming, family feeling, even during Jumah when it is packed to the gills. Smiles and salaams are common here. The community holds dinners and other events on the floors above the prayer space. The second floor is also where the bathrooms are - they are clean, well-kept and attractive, in keeping with the rest of the masjid. Definitely a pleasant masjid to worship in. In response to the sister who mentioned feeling as if she needed to ask for separate, private prayer accomodations - the masjid space is very small, as is the entrance, so if one is concerned about being seen from behind in sujud, it is easy enough to make this difficult/unlikely by praying in the far corner (esp. in the first sisters' row). But in agreement with the sister, this is not a masjid that is set up to provide separate prayer space for sisters, instead they follow the Sunnah of men and women praying in the same space (women behind the men). Posted on December 12, 2007 |

★★★★☆ Lovely, tiny mosque. Cleaner than many; welcoming atmosphere. I attended on a week when Imam Feisal was away, so I was a little disappointed, but it was all right in general. Posted on November 22, 2005 |

★★☆☆☆ It is a beautiful masjid in a lovely building. Men and women pray together in the main room, right off the street. Anyone coming in the front door will be coming in behind the people praying. While, overall, the people are welcoming, they are not very welcoming of anyone who has a more conservative interpretation of Islam than they do.
My first time there, when I asked if there was a more private space where I could pray -- a place where any man walking in off the street wouldn't be looking at me in sujud -- I got a very hostile reaction from the brother in the office who screamed at me before grudgingly leading me to the third floor room that is used for dars by the Nur Ashki Jerrahi dervishes. And this was before all the "controversy" about men and women praying together.
I was told by another congregant that "We have to be patient with these Americans" (I am an American) and that "they aren't ready to observe the Sunnah." This offended me as an American, while on the other hand, I was offended as a Muslim woman by the man who was in charge of the daily affairs of the masjid.
I have returned to pray here several times. Since then, I have not encountered problems finding a private space, but as a woman wearing hijab (all the time, and covering everything, not just in prayer, or with my hair showing), I have encountered dirty looks and sneers and less than pleasant comments about it from the women there. The men have always been very polite to me.
Overall, I would not recommend this masjid unless you can overlook these things or if you are in the neighborhood and absolutely need to pray. The "tolerance" of this masjid doesn't extend to everyone. Posted on November 13, 2005 |
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